Comments about the image

Below is a small selection of the 20+ emails received concerning the use of this image in the KCCS website. (These are the printable ones!) plus the replies sent.
If you have any comments then please send email by pressing the email button at the bottom of this page.

Dear Webmaster,

I am sending this email to you to register my disgust at the image you
have on your web site in the home users pages index.
This is an unacceptable sexist protrayal of woman and I demand you remove
it forthwith.


Ms P Bearse.


Ms Bearse,

I regret you find this image disgusting. It was not my intention to either
disgust people or make some sexist comment concerning women.
The image made me think of a school-teacher I once knew whose very
dominating appearance would ensure correct behaviour in class.
I though this image would keep some order in the user web pages and
with a lady present dissuade anyone from using bad language.


To the webmaster of kcbbs,

A friend brought to my notice that there is a cartoon image of a woman 
in the first page of your user's home pages.
I looked into kcbbs' web pages today and found the image.
I do not undewrstand the context in which this image is placed.
It does not appear to support the index or the following pages.
So I ask - Why is it there?
And are you aware that it can be seen as offensive?
Please condsider removing it.


Mrs D Bell


Mrs D Bell,

Thankyou for your email
I did not think that this image would be found offensive and it was
certainly not my intention to offend anyone.
The purpose of the image was to have an imposing figure looking over the
user home pages to encourage good behaviour.


... and from the girlfriend of a user on KC...

dgd The graphic you have on your web site of a "sagging woman" is not one I appreciate. Is it supposed to be your idea of what your users look like? Or one or more particular users? I can see that you may think its funny (aaccording to the last line of the page you own the page) but it is sexist and totally unnecessary in the page pointing to user's home pages. Este --- Este, I have already been got at by another KC user for using this image. She wanted to know where I obtained this image of her! If you need to know more then ask in local messages and I am sure she will answer you :-) I included this image to try and make the concept of user's pages a little more serious than some efforts I had seen on on web sites. This lady has a certain charm and decorum about her that should discourage bad language and hopefully promote good behaviour. dgd

Dear Webmaster,

Please remove the catoon graphic of the woman from your users' web
pages. This cartoon is insulting to women.
Until you do this I will encourage everyone not to visit your web site.

Angela Parson


Dear Ms Parson,

The 'catoon' graphic is not intended to insult women and I do not
believe that it is insulting.
I suggest to you that if you tell people not to visit KC's web site
because of this image then you will in fact only be raising their
curiousity and they will in fact visit.


(from a no-name account on Xtra)

Remove that cartoon of a woman in kc's web pages immediately.
It is an obvious copy of a photograph of my wife's sister's boss who
runs a hair dressing salon in West Auckland and it (the cartoon) is 
very annoying. Its bad enuf having to meet the old bag in person every
few weeks without also seeing her glaring at me out of some web page.



Thanks for your comments but I assure you this image has nothing to do
with your wife's sister's boss.
Can I respectfully suggest you seek some assistance in overcoming your
animosity towards this woman. If she looks like the cartoon then she
will be a lot more woman than old bag and may actually be a very nice
person (in person!)


Dear webmaster,

Hohohoho. Not very funny at all, that woman you have in your web pages.
Only a chauvanist pig would find it funny. 
Does your website need this sort of sexist rubbish to attract people?




I do not agree with you that the cartoon image is either sexist or rubbish.
I did not include this image to attract people. It is intended to add
some humour to the content but more seriously to encourage good behaviour.



Mr Dix,

Who are you kidding? The woman cartoon does nothing to encourage good
behaviour and the only reason you have it included it to make fun of
women. I noticed that all the user's home pages on kc bbs are from boys
and men (although men may be stretching the facts) and I think kc bbs
is just for silly boys who would run a mile if they met a real woman.
Grow up and geta life.




Thanks again for your comments.
However, I cannot agree with your thoughts about KC. The image is NOT there
just to make fun of women.
I can also assure you there are quite a few mature male users on KC and
quite a few female users. I agree that there are no home pages (yet!) from
any female users of KC but I expect there will be sometime in the near



I cannot understand what all the fuss is about with regard to that gif
image of the woman in your users wed pages index.
If it is causing so much hate mail then why not just change it for a gif
of a bunch of flowers?




A bunch of flowers?
Perhaps a bunch of pansies and then that would indicate the types of user
on KC who have home pages here :-)
I do not see the problem with the woman image and I am not inclined to
remove it because a few people demand I do. I do not agree it is offensive
or insulting and I cannot believe the fuss it has created.


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These pages designed and maintained by the KC webmaster. If you have any queries or comments about the KC World Wide Web pages or other services please contact us .

Last modified: 21 April 2009.